
SSL Security

Company Name

SSL Security


1555 Franklin Street




United States






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This message is to inform you that the Free 1-Year subscription of the SSL certificate (HTTPS) on your website is invalid. This means that hackers can now snoop in on your website easily. Online viruses, bad actors or competitors can hijack your confidential private data as well as your customers' individual data for malicious purposes. Further, an invalid or expired SSL certificate also infringes GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation; effective May 25, 2018). Article 32 of GDPR requires that regulated information must be safegaurded with appropriate technical and organizational measures, including encryption of private data and the ability to ensure the ongoing privacy of systems and services. Due to this, Google has also started to mark all traffic to your website as "insecure". You can check this by looking at the security status (to the left of the web address) of your website in a web browser. You will see that there is no Green PADLOCK visible next to your web address. To resolve this, you are required to re-deploy an Security certificate on your website now: This will encrypt data and secure all traffic on your website. The digital Security certificate will be emailed to you within minutes after verification. WARNING: Your website may stop running properly within 72 hours if it is marked as a malicious website, as a result of hosting non-secure content. For further information see part 7.2P of our service agreement. We can not be held accountable for any financial or technical losses resulting from the same. Secure your website now: